
June 29, 2023

The Power of Color Psychology in Branding Strategy


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When it comes to branding, color plays a vital role in capturing the attention and influencing the perceptions of your audience. It has the power to sway their purchasing decisions and create a lasting impression. 

In fact, WebFX reports that an individual's first judgment of a product or unfamiliar environment (like your website) is formulated within 90 seconds, with about 69 to 90 percent being established by the colors perceived.

Let's explore how color psychology can be leveraged to enhance your branding strategy and connect with your target audience.

Understanding Color Psychology

Color psychology delves into how colors impact human behavior and emotions. Each color evokes unique emotions and feelings, ultimately influencing decision-making processes. For instance, red ignites passion and excitement, while blue instills a sense of calmness and trustworthiness. 

By understanding the emotional associations tied to different colors, you can strategically utilize them in your branding materials to create a more engaging and effective brand message. 

It’s also important to note that color psychology is not limited to individual colors, but rather the combination of multiple hues as well. For instance, pairing red with green can create a sense of vitality and freshness while blue and yellow together evoke feelings of calmness and happiness.

In order to fully understand color psychology and how it can impact your brand, it’s important to first identify the different ways that people perceive different colors.  In general, there are three primary ways that humans process color: emotionally, inherently, or practically.

3 Ways To Respond To Colors

The idea that human beings are inherently predisposed to respond in particular ways to colors is supported by anthropological and behavioral research. Color is an important signal for many species in order to attract mates, find food, and even recognize enemies.

People are also subject to the same biological necessities. It is possible that the ability to see color developed in their evolution as a survival tool, too!

The emotional response to color is perhaps the most commonly known aspect of color psychology and is often referred to as “the warm-cool effect.” This refers to the tendency for people to associate warm colors like red or yellow with feelings of energy and excitement while cool colors such as blue and green evoke feelings of calmness and tranquility. 

The practical use of color has more to do with how it can be applied in certain environments, such as working well with other hues or creating contrast when placed next to a similar tone.

The Importance of Color in Branding

Color is a crucial element in branding that enables you to stand out in a competitive market. A diagnostic study by Kumar has found that shoppers make 85% of their purchase decisions based on color.

The right color choices help establish a strong brand identity and effectively communicate your brand's values and personality to your audience.

For instance, if you are a health and wellness brand, green can convey your commitment to nature and sustainability. On the other hand, luxury brands might opt for gold or black to project sophistication and exclusivity. 

The colors you choose should align with your brand's narrative and resonate with your target audience.

Appropriately Using Color in Your Branding Strategy

To maintain a consistent and cohesive brand identity, developing a visual style guide is paramount. Your style guide should encompass color usage guidelines, encompassing your primary colors, secondary colors, and accent colors. This will later help you find the right packaging for your products as well, as it’s an important part of a brand’s visual style about which you can learn more on our blog.

Be specific about how these colors should be implemented across different branding materials, such as your logo, website, social media platforms, and marketing materials. This consistency in color application will contribute to a strong and recognizable brand identity.

Once you have identified your brand's primary colors, it is vital to consistently utilize them across all branding materials. Maintain visual coherence by applying your chosen colors to your logo, website, social media channels, and marketing collateral. 

Additionally, consider how color can be employed to evoke specific moods or emotions in your marketing materials. For instance, use red to create a sense of urgency in call-to-action buttons or green to emphasize your commitment to sustainability in product packaging.

Choosing the Right Colors for Your Brand

When selecting colors for your brand, it's important to consider your target audience and the emotions you want to evoke. It's also essential to differentiate yourself from competitors.

Here are some commonly associated colors and the emotions they evoke:

  • Red: passion, excitement, energy
  • Orange: friendliness, warmth, creativity
  • Yellow: optimism, happiness, clarity
  • Green: nature, growth, sustainability
  • Blue: trust, calmness, reliability
  • Purple: luxury, creativity, spirituality
  • Pink: femininity, playfulness, romance
  • Black: sophistication, elegance, power
  • White: purity, simplicity, cleanliness

Building A Color Palette That Reflects Your Brand

Building a cohesive color palette is key to establishing a strong brand identity. To create a palette that aligns with your brand, start by choosing primary colors based on your brand's values and personality. Then, select secondary and accent colors that complement your primary choices and create a harmonious overall look. 

Consistently apply your color palette across all branding materials, including your logo, website, social media, and marketing materials, to foster a unified brand identity.

The Impact of Color Contrast & Saturation on Brand Recognition

Consider the impact of contrast and saturation on the visibility and recognition of your brand. High-contrast colors help your brand stand out and be easily recognizable, while low-contrast colors may cause it to blend in and go unnoticed. Similarly, highly saturated colors catch the eye, while desaturated colors convey subtlety. When selecting colors, think about the level of contrast and saturation that will be most effective for your brand and target audience.

Using Color To Create A Visual Hierarchy That Emphasizes Key Brand Messages

Color can be a powerful tool in creating a visual hierarchy that guides the viewer's attention and emphasizes important brand messages. For instance, you can use a bright, bold color to draw attention to a call-to-action button or a subtle color to highlight significant text. By using color strategically, you can create a more impactful and engaging brand message that resonates with your audience.

Color Creats Emotional Connections With Your Audience

Colors possess the ability to evoke emotions and forge connections with your audience. Warm colors like red and orange generate excitement and energy, while cool colors like blue and green inspire calmness and trust. By selecting colors that align with your brand's values and personality and evoke the desired emotions, you can establish a more meaningful and authentic connection with your audience. This emotional connection fosters a sense of relatability and encourages a deeper engagement with your brand.

The Impact Of Color Trends On Branding Strategy

Keeping up with color trends is essential for your branding strategy. Staying informed about current color trends helps ensure that your brand remains relevant and resonates with your target audience. However, it's important to use color trends strategically and ensure they align with your brand's values and identity. 

Choosing colors solely based on trends without considering their compatibility with your brand may compromise authenticity. Instead, use color trends as inspiration for creating a palette that's unique and relevant to your brand. By incorporating current trends into your design process thoughtfully, you can create an effective color scheme that will help you stand out from the crowd

Measuring The Effectiveness Of Your Color Choices

Evaluating the effectiveness of your color choices is crucial in understanding how your brand is perceived by your target audience. Various methods can be employed for this purpose, including surveys, A/B testing, and analytics. 


Surveys provide insights into how your audience perceives your brand's colors and whether they accurately convey your brand's values and personality. 

Surveys can be conducted in person, over the phone, or online. They can also be used to measure consumer preference for certain colors as well as their general knowledge of your brand's color palette.  A/B Testing A/B testing allows you to create two similar versions of your website and compare how they perform against each other with regard to page views, conversions, and social sharing rates. This method is effective because it helps determine which color scheme is more appealing to your audience without relying on subjective opinions from people outside of your brand's target demographic.

A/B Tests

A/B testing allows you to compare the effectiveness of different color choices in different marketing materials. 

This method is effective because it allows you to determine which color schemes are more appealing to your audience without relying on subjective opinions from people outside of your brand’s target demographic. 

A/B testing can be done through a variety of methods. You can test different colors in your email campaigns, landing pages, and social media posts.

If you are interested in making sure that each color scheme is effective for all audiences, then consider running an A/B test on each of your marketing materials with multiple variations of the same color scheme.


Analytics help track engagement and conversion rates, enabling data-driven decisions to enhance your branding strategy and create a more compelling and captivating brand message.

There are many different types of analytics that can be used to track various aspects of your business.  These include:

-Web Analytics (such as Google Analytics) to track website traffic and user behavior.  

-Social Media Analytics (such as Facebook Insights) to measure the impact of social media posts on your brand’s reputation and overall reach.  

-Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software such as Salesforce, Sugar CRM, or HubSpot to analyze customer data and identify trends in buyer behavior.

Expert Branding Strategy & Color Psychology with JM&Co

Looking to take your branding strategy to the next level? Look no further than JM&Co. Our team of experts specializes in creating effective and engaging branding strategies that help businesses stand out in today's crowded marketplace.

With our deep understanding of color psychology and branding strategy, we can help you choose the right colors that accurately reflect your brand's values and personality. We'll work with you to create a cohesive color palette that is consistent across all your branding materials, from your logo to your website to your marketing materials.

But we don't just stop at color. Our team can help you create a comprehensive branding strategy that includes everything from messaging to design to marketing. We'll help you create a strong and authentic brand identity that resonates with your target audience and drives business results.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you develop a strong brand identity that reflects your values and resonates with your target audience.

Case Studies of Successful Branding Strategies Through Color Psychology

By now, you know why and how color has the power to evoke emotions, convey messages, and create a memorable identity. To truly understand the impact of color psychology in branding, let's dive into some real-life case studies that demonstrate successful branding strategies through the clever use of colors.

Coca-Cola: The Power of Red

Coca-Cola, one of the world's most recognizable brands, owes much of its success to the strategic use of the color red. Red evokes feelings of energy, excitement, and passion, which perfectly align with Coca-Cola's message of happiness and enjoyment. By incorporating red into its logo, packaging, and marketing campaigns, Coca-Cola creates a strong and memorable brand identity that attracts and engages consumers worldwide.

McDonald's: The Golden Arch of Familiarity

When you think of McDonald's, what color comes to mind? It's undoubtedly the vibrant golden arches. Yellow, the color of optimism and happiness, is strategically used by McDonald's to create a welcoming and cheerful atmosphere. This color choice stimulates appetite and evokes a sense of familiarity and comfort, making McDonald's a go-to fast-food destination for millions.

Tiffany & Co: The Elegance of Tiffany Blue

Tiffany & Co, renowned for its luxury jewelry, has beautifully incorporated a distinctive shade of blue known as "Tiffany Blue" into its brand identity. This soft and calming blue hue represents trust, sophistication, and exclusivity. By using Tiffany Blue in their packaging, website, and retail stores, the brand creates a sense of elegance and reinforces their commitment to delivering exquisite and timeless products.

Spotify: The Vibrancy of Green

Spotify, the popular music streaming platform, uses a vibrant shade of green as its primary brand color. Green, associated with nature, growth, and freshness, aligns perfectly with Spotify's mission of connecting people with music and discovering new artists. This color choice creates a sense of energy and vitality, making the platform appealing and exciting for music enthusiasts.

Apple: The Sleekness of White

Apple, known for its sleek and minimalist design, has made white a fundamental part of its brand identity. White symbolizes purity, simplicity, and sophistication, which resonates well with Apple's commitment to innovation, user-friendly products, and cutting-edge technology. By utilizing white in their product design, packaging, and advertising, Apple creates a sense of elegance and simplicity that sets them apart in the tech industry.

FedEx: The Power of Purple and Orange

FedEx, a global shipping and logistics company, cleverly uses a combination of purple and orange in their logo. Purple, associated with luxury and trust, represents the company's reliability and professionalism. Orange, a color known for its energy and friendliness, signifies FedEx's commitment to exceptional customer service. The color combination creates a visually striking logo that captures attention and reinforces FedEx's brand values.


Color psychology serves as a powerful tool in influencing consumer behavior and guiding purchasing decisions. By understanding how different colors evoke specific emotions and feelings, you can strategically select colors that align with your brand's values and personality. 

Consistency in color usage across all branding materials helps establish a strong brand identity that stands out in a competitive market. With a thoughtful and intentional approach to color in your branding strategy, you can create a lasting impact and foster meaningful connections with your audience.

At JM&Co., we're passionate about helping businesses succeed by leveraging the unlikely elements in their favor. Contact us today to learn more about our brand development services and how we can help you take your brand to the next level. 

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