
June 8, 2023

Programmatic Advertising: Methods & Tools for Leveraging Automation


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Programmatic advertising technology is fundamentally changing the way brands interact with consumers, offering a more personalized brand experience that has proven to assist more online leads and sales conversions than any other method of digital display advertising available today.

It doesn’t matter where you look. Businesses in any industry are constantly coming up with fresh, cutting-edge solutions and products to take a bigger share of the market and offer a better experience to all customers. 

But, it’s not just about the products or services. People won’t know your product is good unless you find a smart way to clearly showcase your quality and prove why you’re better than other options on the market. That’s why 

That’s why companies are often searching for a new approach in the ad game, and programmatic advertising is one of the exciting technologies that offer a personalized brand experience and higher conversions. But, how? Let’s read to find out.

What is Programmatic Advertising?

Programmatic advertising is a form of Internet advertising that buys and sells digital media using automated technologies. Advertisers may use it to buy spots on websites, smartphone apps, and other digital mediums in real-time via a system of auctions.

Because it is automated, marketers can concentrate on creative strategies instead of the repetitive tasks related to conventional types of advertising. Its popularity has steadily risen over the last decade as more businesses have chosen this form of marketing approach due to its efficacy and low cost.

Why Run Programmatic Ads?

Now that we’ve talked about the basics of programmatic advertising, it’s time to consider one vital question: Why should your company even consider running programmatic ads? There are many reasons, but we’ve listed only five here.

Accurate Targeting

You can apply advanced audience targeting tools in programmatic advertising to make sure that you hit your ideal consumers and clients. Data is critical to the success of programmatic ads. Businesses can develop more tailored ads that are more relevant to their audience and have a bigger chance of success by harnessing data about viewers.

This data can include everything from demographics such as age group and gender to psychographics like interests or spending habits. Through the use of machine learning algorithms, advertisers can refine their targeting strategies over time to ensure they’re reaching the right people with the right message at the right time. You'll pick the features you wish to target while building your advertising campaign. Also, your platform can distribute your ads to those who are inclined to become your loyal customers.

Increased audience reach

Improving your web presence is yet another benefit. To expand your operations, you must constantly reach out to new potential clients and consumers. Programmatic advertising allows you to market your business across several channels at the same time with no effort. That suggests that your ads might reach a vast range of people at any moment.

Scalable and Flexible Spending

Because programmatic ads are fully scalable in terms of marketing spending, they are suitable for both large and small companies. Companies with limited assets may simply set a financial limit on their campaigns to avoid overpaying. So, in addition to using your budget more effectively, programmatic ads give you enough leeway to increase or reduce your spending when necessary.


Marketers can benefit from programmatic advertising because it gives them full control over their campaigns. Marketers can monitor which sites display their advertisements, who is viewing them, and what is their ROI. This makes it much simpler for businesses to assess the performance of their initiatives and learn how to reach a wider audience.

Greater efficiency

With the capacity to evaluate a campaign throughout its whole life cycle, digital marketing has significantly advanced overall. Businesses can monitor their ads in real-time while making tweaks and changes when necessary. Optimizing guarantees that each campaign works well, reaching just the appropriate target consumers while making the most use of the budget.

Programmatic Ad Strategies

There’s no clear-cut way to categorize the strategies that you may use when running programmatic ads. But, in most cases, you will deal with three main techniques: Retargeting/remarketing, segmentation, and automation.


Retargeting and remarketing are two effective ways for converting website visitors into paying customers by displaying relevant advertising based on their previous interactions with your company. These tactics assist you in maximizing your return on ad spend (ROAS) by showing ads only when customers are interested in your services before. Companies may use retargeting solutions to monitor user activity across different devices and target them properly with reliable content during their purchase process.


Marketers may optimize their targeting even more by segmenting audiences into smaller categories based on similar characteristics or interests, allowing them to increase their marketing accuracy. Instead of bombarding people with so many ads in a short period, you can spend your time and money only where it counts the most.


Finally, automation helps businesses automate critical areas such as budget planning and ad scheduling to save as much as possible while keeping the quality at the top level. Automation also reduces human error related to manual operations, giving marketers more time to experiment with different materials or design fresh techniques within existing campaigns

With automation getting deeply rooted in digital marketing techniques, it's no wonder that its use has grown in popularity among sophisticated advertisers who're looking for ways to maximize ROI while reducing labor expenses that come with manual campaigns.

Different Programmatic Ad Formats

Basically, you can divide most (if not all) programmatic ads into four different formats. Depending on your industry, area, size, and target audience, your ads may fall into one or several formats. 

Display ads

The vast majority of programmatic ads are actually display ads. They often show up as banners or pop-ups in a user's computer browser, and they can be targeted to certain audiences based on their interests or demographic data. Businesses typically use them to promote their products or services, boost brand awareness, and enhance website traffic. Display ads are effective methods for reaching out to potential customers and increasing conversions.

Mobile Ads

Mobile ads are similar to display ads, except they are built particularly for mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. Given the limited space available on smaller displays, mobile ads often take less time than standard display ads. These ads must be tailored for different screen widths so that people can connect with them easily. With the massive popularity of smartphones across all ages and countries, mobile ads are perfect to reach people while saving a lot of money and time.

Video Ads

Video ads are a type of content that mixes audio, visual, motion graphics, animation effects, and other technologies into one unit to grab viewers' attention far better than conventional types such as text or graphic campaigns alone!

This sort of marketing is effective for promoting services or products since videos allow marketers to explain how these products function in seconds. Also, because of its interactive nature, it gives marketers more control over the core messages - something that print media simply cannot compete with!

Both advertisers and buyers have demonstrated time and again that video ads offer better engagement rates than their alternatives, making this choice highly recommended if you can afford them!

Native Ads

Native Ads fit smoothly into the design of your website, offering consumers a natural experience in which sponsored material shows alongside original posts from your platform. Native ad forms include (but are not limited to) banners and carousels.

Programmatic Ad Platforms

In most cases, programmatic ads deal with three main platforms, including:

Demand Side (DSP)

DSPs are automated systems that allow marketers to buy ad space on websites, mobile applications, and other digital platforms. Companies may access a range of inventory resources in real time via DSPs, including direct publishers, exchanges, and networks. They can build highly focused ads with detailed targeting options for more impact by utilizing data from various sources. Also, DSPs offer accurate tools for detailed campaign performance analysis and bid optimization to boost ROI even more.

Supply Side (SSP)

Companies use Supply Side Platforms (SSPs) to manage their inventory and distribute it programmatically on the open marketplace via an auction system or directly to buyers via private negotiations. SSPs allow companies to optimize the value of their impressions while also offering visibility into the sorts of advertising that their audience see, allowing them to have more control over which type/brand messages appear on their content sites! This also helps to minimize fraud because all transactions take place in a secure environment that is monitored by the platform provider!

Ad Partner

Ad Partner Platforms give organizations access to numerous demand side platforms, allowing them to benefit from more bidder competition while handling all bids efficiently in one location, saving time and money! Financing tools, pre-set rules and conditions, automatic bidding techniques, extensive reporting functions, interaction with third-party providers, and other features are included in ad partner platforms, making this option suitable for massive traffic acquisition.

How to Optimize Your Programmatic Ad Strategies

It’s great to know about the tools and strategies, but they can only be effective when you apply them in a specific framework. You need to keep certain things in mind so you can optimize these strategies. Here are some elements to consider.

Be Smart About the Design

One of the most significant components of programmatic creativity is designing advertisements for many platforms. It means creating ads that are tailored to each platform, by considering the size and shape of an ad unit on a certain device or network, along with its specific audience.

To enhance their efficacy, ads should be made to seem professional and eye-catching across all platforms. This may involve incorporating motion graphics or animation effects to attract consumers' attention on mobile devices or developing material expressly for social media networks like Instagram and YouTube.

Dynamic Creatives

Another important component of effective programmatic advertising strategies is using dynamic creative. Dynamic creative allows marketers to adjust advertising depending on user data like location, demographics, platform, and more by using algorithms and rules that may dynamically update components such as text or pictures inside an ad without the manual involvement of an advertiser.

This ensures that campaigns reach their target consumers with specific content, while also giving marketers more flexibility in trying out alternative versions in real-time without having to manually update them each time something needs changing!

Focus on the Context

Ad copy optimization tactics are critical for ensuring that your message reaches prospective consumers by engaging them with appropriate language and an appealing tone.

Companies should always think about how to optimize their material based on the platform (like social media vs Google) to maximize its effect while being loyal to brand values. This might include everything from modifying keywords and headlines to adapting content to certain groups/demographics, optimizing CTAs, and many other solutions.

By combining these strategies with the other components listed above, businesses can guarantee they have an elaborate plan in place that incorporates all aspects required for success!

Identify Your Target Audience

Understanding your target demographic is essential for making the most of programmatic advertising. This will help you to build more effective messages that are personally suited to them. Identifying user characteristics and habits may help marketers better target their target demographics and increase ad engagement. Furthermore, data such as click-through rates (CTR) and conversions can be used to see which ad formats are most effective with specific demographic segments. This data may then be utilized to optimize campaigns to maximize ROI.

Ad Optimization

After defining the target audience, businesses should work on optimizing their marketing campaigns for maximum success across multiple devices and platforms. As mobile usage grows, it's becoming more important for companies to make sure that their ads appear properly on smaller displays while still engaging visitors successfully. 

Also, using rich media elements like video or interactive games within advertisements can drive higher levels of engagement among users than non-rich media formats do traditionally.

Experiment with Different Strategies

Exploring new strategies is also important when it comes to reaching target audiences with programmatic ads since this form of marketing involves constant testing & optimization to find what works best for any given campaign. 

By experimenting with different types of creative, targeting options, bid prices, etc., businesses can uncover insights about their customers that could not have been found through traditional methods alone - allowing for more informed decisions when it comes time to allocate budget resources or develop future campaigns.

Determine Clear KPIs

It will be pretty hard to measure your ad progress without defining some key performance indicators (KPIs). Of course, depending on your specific vertical, campaign, and target audience, these KPIs may be different. For example, if you operate in the fintech sector, you should expect your target users to use the app a few times a week (or less). However, if you’re in the fitness sector, you need users to run the app every day or at least every other day.

Test & Correct Course

For any programmatic advertising campaign to succeed over time, testing, adaptation, and outcomes measurement should be a regular part of the process. This approach involves continuously evaluating performance so that marketers can immediately identify areas where changes are needed. Companies should also analyze their progress toward their initial goals and compare versions utilizing A/B testing strategies. They may also benefit from data-driven optimizations such as dynamic creative, allowing them to make better-educated decisions based on facts rather than guesswork!

Bottom Line

Programmatic advertising has transformed how companies get clients and generate ROI through digital campaigns. It allows marketers to build highly focused ads that reach their target groups in better ways than ever before by using data-driven insights and powerful algorithms.

With so many benefits accessible with programmatic advertising, it is now easier than ever for businesses to optimize their reach while staying on top of the latest changes in customer demands.

Of course, with so many strategies, tools, and techniques available, it takes a lot of time to figure out which one suits your specific company best. If you don’t have many marketing experts on your team, it’ll take some costly trial and error to find the right path. 

Many businesses choose a shortcut and save money/time by hiring an expert digital marketing company to handle everything from A to Z. That way, they are free to spend their resources on the core pillars of their business and improving their product or services. Luckily, that’s exactly what our clients do at Joshmeah. We take care of marketing and you can take care of your products! Just get in touch and let us draw the perfect plan to maximize your conversions.

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